
Goddess lily sparkles (Zantedeschia sp) with floating ring


Perennial plant
Position - Part shade

Flowers - White Trumpet Flower with green tips

Submersible - To a depth of 2c (remove tall foliage when using with a ring)

Foliage - Produced above water

Origin - South Africa

Grows - to 30cm (width) and up to 150cm (high) Can be pruned to maintain a lower height

Cover - Excellent cover for frogs around the pond

Oxygenator - No

Edible - No (toxic if eaten)

Makes an ideal feature pond plant that features spotted green leaves and striking white flowers with green tips from late winter through to early summer. Best suited to a warmer climate.

Our stunning Goddess Lily Sparkles (Zantedeschia), is a realtively hardy water plant, originating in South Africa. It can be grown in part shade and has the most unusual foliage of thick deep green with a sprinkling of white sparkles. It has a white trumpet like flower from late winter through to early summer.

Maintain the plant by removing spent leaves, keeping water toppped up and fertilise. Feed monthly from spring using the Pond Plantz time release fertilizer tablet by inserting the tablet 5-10cm under the surface of the soil.

Best suited to a warmer climate, or grown in a protected pond.

Can be pruned to maintain size by removing larger leaves and trimming the roots back.


How Do Pond Plants Get Sent?

On Arrival

On arrival, your plants will be thirsty. Pop them into your pond as soon as possible.

Get in Touch

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns about your new plants.