
River Buttercup (Ranunculus Inundatus) with floating ring


Perenial plant

Position: Full sun to part shade

Flower: yes small yellow  flowers

Submersible: To a depth of 2cm. It prefers boggy areas or to float in the pond plant ring

Origin: Australia

Cover: for frogs, fish and polinators

Oxygenator: No

Size: 30cm

Edible: No

A native Australian plant with with yellow flowers that will trail around the margins of your pond.  It is well-suited to boggy areas and provides habitat and food for aquatic life.

With soft yellow flowers and delicate foliage, river buttercup pond plants will transform your pond into a stunning space. This pond plant will produce a cottage garden or meadow effect, especially when planted on mass.

River buttercup pond plants benefit from a nutrient-rich environment. Add a slow-release aquatic tablet to the water each season. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for the application rate and frequency.


Create your own Frog Attracting Pond Plant Kit!

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River Buttercup (Ranunculus Inundatus)  with floating ring
River Buttercup (Ranunculus Inundatus)  with floating ring


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Bundle Contents -Frog Habitat

Buy any 6 x (7cm) Single Pond Plants from the Frog Habitat collection. Save 10%

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How Do Pond Plants Get Sent?

On Arrival

On arrival, your plants will be thirsty. Pop them into your pond as soon as possible.

Get in Touch

Let us know if you have any questions or concerns about your new plants.