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Swamp Mazus (Mazus pumilio) Native Pond Plant


Common name: Swamp Mazus

Latin name: Mazus pumilio

Position: Grows well in any position. Full sun and will tolerate shade.

Depth: Prefers shallow water and boggy soil. Performs best when planted into shallow margins of ponds or grown in the pot and floating pond plant ring.

Height: Will reach around 15cm when mature.

Edible: No

Oxygenator: No

Cover: An excellent groundcover pond plant best suited to the margins of a pond.

This hardy Australian native groundcover pond plant grows best along the pond margins. It flowers in spring and summer with a violet style flower in shades of blue to pale purple. It is a low growing groundcover that will spread to around 60-100cm in diameter. The leaves are slightly serated and are deep green in colour. 

Swamp Mazus is endemic to New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and southern regions of South Australia.