7 Tips for Attracting Frogs to an Australian Pond
on May 11, 2023

Creating an Australian pond that is inviting to frogs doesn't have to be difficult or time-consuming. With a few simple steps, you can create a welcoming environment for frogs and help them thrive in their natural habitat.
Learn how to attract frogs to your property with these 7 easy tips!
Avoid Using Toxic Pesticides.
Never use toxic pesticides in your Australian pond or the surrounding area. Pesticides can be incredibly damaging to frogs, as they can kill off the small insects that frogs need to survive. To create a safe environment for your frogs, use pesticides only when absolutely necessary and avoid using them near water bodies where frogs are likely to live.
Plant Native Water Plants and Install a Water Pump.
Native Australian pond plants can attract frogs as they provide an alternate food source and hiding places for them to take refuge. Add native aquatic plants or floating island style planters, which also provide a spawn site for frogs. To further encourage frog life in your pond, consider installing a water feature such as a waterfall or stream, as this will create a natural environment that frogs are likely to visit.
Give Them Plenty of Cover and Food Sources.
Provide frogs with plenty of cover, such as rocks, plants and logs in or around the pond. This will help to provide a safe place for them to hide from predators during the day and frolic around at night.
Also, be sure to add aquatic plants that produce a food source for your amphibious pals. Native plants can attract bugs, which frogs love to snack on! Create shallow edges in your pond as well- these are perfect areas for frogs to bask in and hunt for food. Flowering pond plants will attract beneficial insects to your pond and will provide a food source for frogs, we recommend Pink Rotala as this plant has long lasting flowers to attract small insects and will provide plenty of shelter for frogs.
Check out our Frog Attracting Pond Plants Here!
Ensure the Water is Not Too Deep or Too Shallow.
Frogs need adequate water to stay healthy, but it should not be too deep or too shallow. The optimal depth for an Australian pond is between 25 -70 centimeters. This will give the frogs room to move around and also make sure they have plenty of access to air while they’re swimming. Frog ponds should have shallow edges that gradually deepen to a maximum of 60–70cm, though they can be made shallower if needed.
If you want to provide habitat for frogs add height and structure in your pond with frog grass. Add several of these and you'll be pleased that you did. This Aussie native grass grows between 60-70cm Height
Add Rocks and Logs to Help With accessibility
Rocks and logs throughout the surface of an Australian pond can provide access points for frogs to climb in and out of the water more easily. They also provide essential hiding spots away from predators, both aquatic and terrestrial. Rocks should be carefully placed with their sloping surfaces facing into the water so that they form a gradual slope rather than a dangerous drop-off. Logs should be arranged partially above the water’s surface, making them accessible by climbers like frogs.
Build a Frog Hotel.
To make the space more welcoming for amphibians, try building Frog Tubes and a Frog Hotel. Make the former from 1-meter length of PVC pipe, planted firmly into the ground. This provides tree frogs with a moist environment where they can find refuge. Create a safe and cozy home in your pond and soon you’ll have plenty of frog visitors!
Why Native Frog Species Are Best?
To attract frogs to an Australian pond, careful consideration needs to be taken to ensure native species are not threatened by the introduction of non-native varieties. Consider building a pond tailored for amphibian-friendly plants and insects, boulders for sun basking and for safety, vegetation that provides shelter from predators and healthy water conditions providing a good oxygen supply. Providing these elements can help encourage the growth of local frog populations.
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